Those people who out right says that they hate Charice are little shit-heads.... sorry for the vulgar language, but prejudice and envy are two traits I cannot tolerate in someone. I am not saying I don't do those things, but at least have some factual support before you come to the conclusion that Charice is arrogant, and obnoxious. Those who categorizes her as an arrogant person for her sudden gain of fame are just ignorant. Do you have any idea the type of environment she grew up in? Can you even possibly imagine the kind of life she led in Philippines, and the things she had to do to survive on a daily basis? Though she may appear confident on stage, but as a performer and entertainer, confidence is essential to your performance, and how you carry yourself is imperative to your success. A person's personality, and how he or she presents himself depends on both the external and internal dispositions of the given situation. I think it is quite arrogant for those who quickly come to the hasty conclusion of her true nature based on one narrow observation of her. It is quite ironic that those who condemn arrogance are the ones who are performing it. Maybe my argument is too much for you little asswipes to understand, but nevertheless I felt compelled to address the uneducated, and the ignorant regardless of whether they understood it or not. Though Jesus did say, "cast not your pearls before swines", but just I can't help but lament over the amount of idiots that this world is filled with.